Thursday, November 18, 2010

night of 11/16/10

the back door is a giant hatch like on a cargo plane. the ramp descends into water. i crane my neck out and look up. pterodactyls! i rush in and shout that we must close the hatch. they are slow to respond. finally just as it edges shut there is a terrific thump--the first attacker, with action-movie timing.

we are camped on the terraces of a wide, stepped descending spiral tunnel beneath the town. we are up in the town destroying zombies, with easy success. suddenly our blows have no effect. the zombie in front of me looks as surprised as i am. and for the first time appears completely intelligent. we run down into the tunnel to decamp and escape. ayla is not there and has gone wandering deeper into the tunnel. we gather our things--prominently, among them is a flank steak in a plastic bag--and worry until she begins to emerge, cutting our time very close.

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